This morning, i feel very bad.
I wake up really early this morning, perform all the duties and dress up for work. Feel like going to hv a flu since ysterday. Although i fell very sleepy, i want to be at the office 10 minutes before 8am. Why so early? I dont know why coz I've set it in my mind since yesterday. So my body acts as what hv been programmed. {But now i remember why...i want to meet someone, Dr. Z. She comes very early so i hope i can meet her to ask her smthg regarding a task tht hv been given to me.}
But evrythg tht i've planned turns into a mess. My car has been blocked, so i hv to wait for the owner to remove the car. I should remove it by myself but bcoz i cant drive manual, so i hv to wait wait and wait. And the time goes by... i went to work quarter to 8 but thanks God i still can make it before 8.
What a mess, cant smile this morning.
And see, i'm blabbering and nagging, in this lingua franca of my anger :p
But now i feel good.^^

Terima kasih kamu yg buatkn sy senyum pagi ini.
Just a short and simple chat and it backs to the normal.
The Simpsons.
Although i cant see u or hear u, i can read ur typing,hee
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