Mathematical Ethics..tau tak dlm math kt ade mathematical Ethics...Bdk2 math kn tau math ethics ni (dh name pn bdk Math,mmg wajib tau ni) ...xley maen suke2 je tulis nombor, symbol, etc...Contohnye kt xleh suke2 let alpha=natural no, sebabnye alpha tu biasanye kt pakai tok angle,so kt kn gune notation yg betol, cam n,m,l,p or yg sewaktu dgnye utk represent natural no...pastu penggunaan , ; ( ) { } [ ] pn kn beri perhatian, kn tau each term and symbol yg kt nk gne tu represent ape...hehe
(kls VA on Friday 23/01/09)
Lg 1 math ni simple, xperlu tulis ayat pnjg2, just gne symbol da blh terangkn maksud yg pnjg...hehe... urm, contohnye ape ek? Ha, contohnye ayat math;
"A~B if
Tp kalo kt xtau bca ni ssh gak.Maksud ayat math tu;
"A equivalent to B if exist 1 to 1 function f, such that f maps A to B"
nampak x pendek je ayat math, gne symbol kn faham aku pn kdg2 ade gak yg xtau,kt kls Dr Farouq ni la aku bnyk improve math ethc aku, hehe...
4 ulasan:
btol tuh..
i lebiu dr farukh..hahaha~
satu lagi ethics.. ngee~ kalo nak tulis dot2.. kene tige dot jek (...) tak leh lebih.. yang tu, kelas br.supian masa blaja matrices.. ngahah!
sokong asma'...
bro supian n 3 dot nyer...hehe...
dasyat la entry kali ni...pasal math...
waa..nnt klo amik history of math lg byk symbol org dolu2 gune utk numerical akn jumpe..katak,jari,org angkt tgn pon ade..hihi..enjoy tau
pesanan: practice la lukis katak sblm msk class HM.ok
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