Life is so beautiful… Rather than wasting time regretting, we might as well fully enjoy the present. Flowers won’t stay blossom forever… Ya, it’s never too late, take action, fulfill our dreams, and enjoy the time to the fullest!
I’m myself has my own dreams… bahkan aku dah senaraikn apa yang aku nk buat this year, apa yg aku nak dapatkan, apa yg aku idam2kn slama ni…dan ni la masanye aku nk buat benda2 yg aku xpernah aku buat, yg teringin sgt aku nak buat, tp x buat2, bukan dibuat2… uih, pe aku buat ni??? erk, urm, hee…
- antique4f.blogspot-
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