Rabu, Disember 05, 2012
Jumaat, Julai 13, 2012
Sometimes love isn't fireworks
Sometimes love just comes softly
-Janette Oke
Isnin, Mei 28, 2012
School of Life
At Fallbrook Middle School, the annual student-elected Teacher of the Year award ceremony is held. Every year for the last 43 years, Norman Warner, fondly called Stormin' Norman, has won the award. During the ceremony, he collapses and dies. The burden of carrying the legacy falls to Matt Warner, son of the late Norman Warner who has always lived in the shadow of his father.
Determined to keep the family tradition of being Teacher of the Year alive, Matt focuses all his attention and efforts in winning the coveted title. But the new history teacher, Mr. Michael D'Angelo becomes the new student favorite. He is called, even by fellow and senior teachers, "Mr. D". Young, funny, with unconventional methods of teaching and an uncanny ability to connect with his students, Mr. D. quickly wins the hearts not only of the students but also the teachers, especially the young art teacher, Ms. Davies. Now that Mr. D. is the most popular teacher on campus, Matt feels that he has no chances of winning against Mr. D.
Now obsessed with discrediting Mr. D, Matt soon forgets what it means to be a teacher. Desperate to find a flaw in "Mr Perfect", Matt follows Mr. D around town and discovers a secret the alarmingly perfect teacher is hiding: Mr. D has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and does not have long to live. Shocked by the startling discovery into realizing his own pettiness, Matt slowly changes his ways of teaching and in the process wins the hearts of his students. When Mr. D stops coming to teach because of his worsening illness, the students become depressed by the situation. Matt steps in to cheer up the student's spirits and leads the basketball team to a victory with a special guest appearance with 30 seconds left in the game by Mr. D.
The film concludes after three years have passed and Matt's own son is now in high school, and Matt is teaching a brand new year of pupils in his life science class. He has won the Teacher of the Year for the last two years, Mr. D having won the award in the school year of 2003. The art teacher, Ms. Davies, inherited Mr. D's car. The film ends with a close-up of a photo in Matt's classroom of himself, Mr. D, and the basketball team with "Michael D'Angelo 1967-2003" inscribed on the bottom of the frame.
Panda dan zombi.
Rabu, April 25, 2012
Everyday I walk through the city that walks me
I walks through her and she walks through me
At the edge of the river-sea, river as broad as the sea
The clear air clears my mind
and my legs stride on while stories walk inside me
Walking, I write
At a stroll, words seek each other and find each other
and weave stories that later on I write by hand on paper.
Those pages are never the final ones
I cross out and crumple up
crumple and cross in search of the words that deserve to exist
fleeting words that yearn to outdo silence.
Rabu, April 18, 2012

Isnin, April 02, 2012
Yang mencabar dirimu
Akal dan mindamu
Kau bilang mereka tak tahu
Siapa diriku
Sedangkan kau juga begitu...
Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa...
Setiap detik diperhatikan
Kau cari cara putar belitkan
Kau jadikan diriku...
{Yeahhh...soalan test 1 math stat ptg td mmg mencabar minda smpai jiwa kacau dibuatnya. Perlulah soalan sebegitu, level master katakn. bagi lectr yg buat soaln mmg mencabar nk buat soaln level mastr. Tp salutelah kt lectr ni, mampu buat soaln canggih camtu, tahab mencabar otak. Ofcos la soalannya x direct, mesti ada putar belit skt baru ada analisa...natijahnya...
Kini aku bangkit
Membuktikan yang ku tak sakit
Dengan segala perit yang kau berikan
Kini aku pantas berjalan
Bergerak ke hadapan
Dan akan ku buktikan
Siapa diriku yang sebenar....
Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa..
Kosong .. kosong ..
Setiap detik diperhatikan
Kau cari cara putar belitkan
Kau jadikan diriku...
Segala kata cacian
Yang telah engkau berikan
Membuatku rasa...
Isnin, Mac 26, 2012
Wish to be there

Jumaat, Mac 23, 2012
Khamis, Mac 22, 2012

Rabu, Mac 21, 2012
SPM dulu2
Fly me high
Khamis, Mac 15, 2012
My Rule

Rabu, Mac 14, 2012
Keyboard order
Selasa, Mac 13, 2012
Europe's Skies
Jumaat, Mac 09, 2012
Yang tak terungkap
Sampaikan rasa rindu, sayang dan kasih ini untuknya
Yang tak terungkap dgn kata
sebelum tibanya masa
Smg dirinya mengerti...
- @};- @};- @};-
Rabu, Februari 29, 2012
Amalan harian
''Sesiapa yang menghina seseorang kerana dosa yang pernah dilakukannya, maka dia tidak akan mati sebelum melakukan dosa tersebut ''(HR Tirmizi)
Isnin, Februari 20, 2012
Walimah lagi
Jumaat, Februari 17, 2012

Khamis, Februari 16, 2012
Jam tangan

Wacana pemikiran

Rabu, Februari 15, 2012
Like i said

Selasa, Januari 31, 2012
Terukir di bintang
Tapi sayang kan ku capai bintang dari langit untukmu
Jika engkau minta satu dunia akan aku cuba
Ku hanya mampu jadi milikmu pastikan kau bahagia
Hati ini bukan milik ku lagi
Seribu tahun pun akan ku nanti
Jangan kau persoalkan siapa dihatiku
Terukir di bintang tak mungkin hilang cintaku padamu
Rabu, Januari 18, 2012
16 Januari 2012 tak seperti yg diharap
This day should be the most beautiful day in my life for this year of 2012.
But it turns out to be a very miserable bad day =(
Bad news. Bad mood. Bad day. Make me sad. Make me sick. Make me worried.
But past is past.
Alahaiii...xdpt bercuti dgn tenang nmpknya ni. Walopn cti sem dh stat sy pulak stuck kt cni lg. Xpe, ada faedahnya. At least dh jumpa lecturers meluahkan kebimbangan. Lega skt.
Apa2pn terima kasih kt adik sy Asbi, sbb belanja sy Secret Recipe sempena hari lahir saya 16 januari ni. Dia belanja sy bayar. Bagus la tu. Terbaiklah!
Terima kasih jg buat hosmet sy Zainab. Pg2 bgn smayg subuh sy tgk ada hadiah ats mja sy tp xde nama penerima n pengirim, jd x brani buka kot2 org lain pnya. Malam br sy buka, mmg utk sy pn, hee...TQ Zainab bg jam dinding. Mcm tau2 ja jam tangan k.afzan bateri dh mati sminggu (tp pakai jgk jamnya..huuu).
Ada yg sy nk tls kt cni tp skrg dh xdpt tls...huuuu...jd sy mskn kodnye sjlah: QWERTYUIASDK!@#$%^&*!@#@#$#$%^&(*&^%%^YHHTYHJ....ayat stresss..isk
Sy nk mtk maaf pd smua, salah silap sy slama ni. Terkasar bahasa, salah laku, silap sangka, dan apa2 sjalah. Mohon maaf pada semua.
Ahad, Januari 08, 2012
what ever
Fuuhh..tekanan sungguh! Sminggu aku stress,dgn nk final examnya..kalo ikutkn hati jiwa kacaunya mmg hbs la. Kalo ikukn hati mmg xleh nk stdy. Kalo ikutkn ht kalo stdy pn mmg xmsk apa. Tp bertahan je, pk kn exam yg 2 hr berturut. Malas nk tmbahkn conflik. Xperlu la aku nk menegakn benang yg basah,admit sj apa yg salah.
But d way it goes...really hurt!
Yea, i know im d black sheep in their eyes (and mybe in His eyes too, my Rabb).
But does everybody has to know it?
I feel ashamed, and i dont know how to face them anymore, and even myself, feel so ashamed, spt seorg pesalah yg x mampu mengangkat wajahnya kmbali krn peraasaan bersalah yg mnebal dlm diri, aibnya aku rs, i admit my mistake. Hati...bersabarlah, bertahanlah... Dont cry aff cz when u start crying u cant stop it.