Hmmm...adakah hari2 yg akn aku lalui seperti ini? Betapa bosannye bl x buat ape2... Patutnye jmpa mdm pg td, present kt die apa yg aku dh stdy tp die bz pulak. Katanye nt die call tp tak call2 lg. ni ngantok sgt, dh bp kali aku tersengguk dpn PC ni. Tp bl aku igt kisah "peti ais & gajah" br rs x ngantok, rs nk gelak! =D
Rasanye sume org tau - camne nk masukn gajah dlm peti ais : slalu or jwb buka peti, msukn gajah, tutup peti, senang je, tp x mencabar la kn.

1. Calculus Analysis
- Differentiate it & put in d fridge. Then integrate it in d fridge.
- Redefine d measure on d refrigerator (or d elephant)
- Apply banach-Tarsky theorem
2. Statistics
- Bright Statistician : put its tail as a sample & say "Done"
- Dull Statistician : Repeat d experiment pushing d elephant to d refrigerator
- Our NEW study shows that u cant put d elephant in d fridge
3. Geometry
- Declare the following;
Axiom 1:An elephant can be put into a fridge
Ade lg tp mls nk taip plak. Sekadar hilangkn ngantokku ini...Nk prepare jmpe mdm nt...
Slamat bekerja & berbakti...hehe
- Differentiate it & put in d fridge. Then integrate it in d fridge.
- Redefine d measure on d refrigerator (or d elephant)
- Apply banach-Tarsky theorem
2. Statistics
- Bright Statistician : put its tail as a sample & say "Done"
- Dull Statistician : Repeat d experiment pushing d elephant to d refrigerator
- Our NEW study shows that u cant put d elephant in d fridge
3. Geometry
- Declare the following;
Axiom 1:An elephant can be put into a fridge
Ade lg tp mls nk taip plak. Sekadar hilangkn ngantokku ini...Nk prepare jmpe mdm nt...
Slamat bekerja & berbakti...hehe
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