Isnin, Mac 28, 2011

Mathematician's love

A Mathematician's assessment about LOVE:

An Addition of Burdens, Multiplication of Problems, Subtraction of Money, and Division of Friends.

-kalo mcm ni rs2 ada tak org yg berkenan dgn mathematician? mesti xde yg berkenan kn...sadisnye...huhu

but I'm mathematician too...
what to do?

4 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

mathematician fall in love with each other just like me..wink2..cube teke sape saya ?hahaha..

Aff berkata...

tanpa nama:

sape lagi kalo bkn pijah chan!hihihi...
nmpknya spt bertambah pasangan mathematicians among our friends, myb bcoz only mathematician know each other...wink wink * hehehe

Tanpa Nama berkata...

haha..betol2..mathematician knows better..hahaha..akak, ronggeng jom..lapa kepci..ari tuh rmi nyer org..sob2

Aff berkata...

set time, day and place.
i'm on, hee

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