Isnin, Mei 28, 2012

School of Life

School of life.

Have you ever watch it? It's a 2005 movie. Dh lama kn. But i got a chance to watch it last night. Really inspiring movie, sesuai dgn tajuk cite tu; school of life.

Bg yg nk tgk blh search ja kt youtube, google ke.

Jalan critanya simple je. Baca kt wikipedia pn blh. Ni yg wiki tls;


At Fallbrook Middle School, the annual student-elected Teacher of the Year award ceremony is held. Every year for the last 43 years, Norman Warner, fondly called Stormin' Norman, has won the award. During the ceremony, he collapses and dies. The burden of carrying the legacy falls to Matt Warner, son of the late Norman Warner who has always lived in the shadow of his father.

Determined to keep the family tradition of being Teacher of the Year alive, Matt focuses all his attention and efforts in winning the coveted title. But the new history teacher, Mr. Michael D'Angelo becomes the new student favorite. He is called, even by fellow and senior teachers, "Mr. D". Young, funny, with unconventional methods of teaching and an uncanny ability to connect with his students, Mr. D. quickly wins the hearts not only of the students but also the teachers, especially the young art teacher, Ms. Davies. Now that Mr. D. is the most popular teacher on campus, Matt feels that he has no chances of winning against Mr. D.

Now obsessed with discrediting Mr. D, Matt soon forgets what it means to be a teacher. Desperate to find a flaw in "Mr Perfect", Matt follows Mr. D around town and discovers a secret the alarmingly perfect teacher is hiding: Mr. D has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and does not have long to live. Shocked by the startling discovery into realizing his own pettiness, Matt slowly changes his ways of teaching and in the process wins the hearts of his students. When Mr. D stops coming to teach because of his worsening illness, the students become depressed by the situation. Matt steps in to cheer up the student's spirits and leads the basketball team to a victory with a special guest appearance with 30 seconds left in the game by Mr. D.

The film concludes after three years have passed and Matt's own son is now in high school, and Matt is teaching a brand new year of pupils in his life science class. He has won the Teacher of the Year for the last two years, Mr. D having won the award in the school year of 2003. The art teacher, Ms. Davies, inherited Mr. D's car. The film ends with a close-up of a photo in Matt's classroom of himself, Mr. D, and the basketball team with "Michael D'Angelo 1967-2003" inscribed on the bottom of the frame.

Tp School of Life movie yg ada value. Tengoklah kalo ada kesempatan. And get the values.
Mcm yg Srivinas Rao ni tulis. About 9 inspiring lesson from the school of life. Blh baca sini.

Panda dan zombi.

Lamaaaaaanya x hapdet blog blog ni. Huhu... what can i do, soooo busy ths semester. Dr awal smpai nk akhr sem dh ni, evry week ada assignment. Non stop. Still amk 4 subject this sem, 12crdt hour, consider mmg heavy bg yg buat mster by coursework even for full tme student.

Sem ni amk subject Regression Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Robust statistics and Categorical Data Analysis. (nak akhr sem br nk crita psl subjk...hee). Dah 2 sem amk 4 subjk, baki semestr yg tgl nt dh x bnyk subjk, blh la fokus kt bnda lain, cr tpt smbg phd plk ke, pk ms depan ke, hehe...

Crita psl subjk, RA evry fortnight kn submit asmt, nasib baik buat by group, tp tu pn bagi2 soaln kt evry grp member masing2 buat, discussion by sms and facebook ja. Nk bt cmna member lain sume keja jauh2. Hjg mgu bsusah payah travel dtg cni smata2 utk menuntut ilmu d hujung minggu. Salute la pd mrk.

Yg Robust susah jgk. Mmg susah la. Perlukan tahap pemahaman yg tinggi. Selalu dlm cls awl2 mmg paham, bl dh makin mendalam, makin tinggi aq dh gayat, pastu mula lah lost. Tp subjk ni mmg best! Walopn susah tp sgt menarik. Mgkn jg sbb Prof Habshah yg ajar. Cls robust x bnyk asmt. Eh silap bukan x bnyk, ada ja asmt n homework yg kn buat tp xda due date, lect kata hnta nt hjg2 sem b4 final. Tu yg sedap x kalut nk kjar due date anta esaimn. Tp yg x bestnya, duk sdp kumpul2 asmt smpai hjg sem tgk2 bertimbun nk kn siapkn. Kalut la hjg sem jadinya.

Si CDA plk relek ja clsnya. Lectr pn releks. Tp yg x bestnya aq xphm lectr ajar..(T_T) huhuhu... Mgkn sbb pg dan tghr sabtu dh overload dgn RA dan robus so masuk jam ke 7 dh exhausted. Badan dan otak dh penat. Perut dh lapar, selalu xsempat nk lunch, makan coklat ja... (T_T)

Last skali Math budget blh score subjk ni sbb MATH. Tp after test 1 kecewanya rs hati. Soalan tahap master (mmg sepatutnya pn) ssh giler. Distribution2 sume mn nk igt. Ms degree dlu mn menghafal distribution n properties2 sume tu. Satu kls sume teruk test 1. Adooiii... Malu ler sbb background math tp xdpt nk jawab dgn baik. Sepatutnya it should give me an advantage.

Moralnya...bukan salah lecturer yg mengajar, bukan salah subjeknya susah, bukan salah masa kelasnya, tapi aq yg kn lipat gandakan usaha. kalau org lain blh buat maka tiada alasan utk aq katakn x boleh. Kalau dh usaha tp xdpt spt yg diinginkn kn usaha lebih lg. Apapun x lupa mohon pd Dia. Sbnrnya susun atur Tuhan itu indah, Dia x bagi apa yg kt nak tp Dia berikan apa yg kt perlu...mcm kata ustz Hasrizal kt tazkirah

Dua minggu yg dh ber"mode" snyap rupanya. Tak perasan, smpaila sorg hosmet aq ni tegur dh lama x dgr sore aq. Maaf sgt aq xprasan, spjg dua mgu lps aq asyk stdy ja, siapkn asmt, study utk test, ulangkaji...huhu..makan x igt, mandi x basah, tido x cukup, cakap x bnyk. Malam mcm zombi siang macam panda. Nak ckp mcm Albert Einstein xde la tercacak mn pn rambut, tp kepala berasap la jgk.

Ni dua mgu lg nk final exam. Makin mnjadi2 la kot busynya nt. Library dh jd rmh ke dua.

Mari berangan jap...
***kalo aq dh kwen agak2nya terabai suami dan anak2. Maknya nak exam, tak sempat nk msk, kms rmh, bsh baju, tlg ank wt homework dll. macam tu ke nt? heee...harapnya tidak. imaginasi high pressure. tp risau jgk beb. hehehe.***

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